Mindfulness MP3+CD Packs

Leave it to I-Doser.com to craft some of the most intense MP3 and CD Packs of Digital Doses to simulate some truly crazy experiences like…The truly INSANE Recreational Oddities that is packed with many doses you would never dare experiment with in real life.While advanced versions of THC are always welcome in my book (and I-Doser has pioneered cannabis doses for over a decade now), I feel that the new BUDDER dose really takes things to the next level. Somewhat on track, things get truly nuts after that with Molly, Poppers and a Roofie Dose. For those of you who want to really try something different I urge you to try the Recreational Oddities Pack.
The rumor on the street and that I-Doser.com receives hundreds of emails a month with people wanting to experience a truly life-altering journey, and many chakra masters and amateurs have been looking for assisted audio to aid in discovering and experiencing the deepest levels of their body, soul and beyond. Personally, I am glad I-Doser took so long to provide us with this set – because it is true digital mastery of chakra levels and it really does help in that journey beyond the petty and physical. I-Doser has pioneered so many wondering simulated experiences, it is refreshing to see them take us to the next level.
Last but not least, the moment I have been waiting for since the release of I-Doser brand Fictional Doses – and this set takes us to the future and beyond with the Fictional Powerhouses Set. Disgusting Jenkem aside (if it doesn’t pique your interest, it should), NZT, Nuke and Zydrate are all super strong doses imaged from your favorite works of master fiction. Now you truly can experience something amazing that was only conceived in an artist’s imagination.
The wonderful thing is: We are only scratching the surface of what I-Doser offers in CD and MP3 form from their amazing audio store. If these three stellar releases don’t get you excited, there are many more that will surely be a great dosing addition to your life. Feel what millions of users already know: I-Doser is the only way to simulate an experience with reined binaural doses!
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