Based on True Events

2 Million people and counting have tried I-Doser Digital Doses, but what does it feel like? We take an inside look on how it really feel to take a hard-hitting binaural dose. Let’s begin…
First, let’s start by saying binaural dosing is not new, despite what some of the media outlets might be saying. The technology has been around for hundreds of years, and has only truly refined the experience over the past few years. There is a reason why they are the leaders in this field. Hand’s down, they have the most refined and advanced digital doses available anywhere, and nobody (and no company) has even come close. There is proof here, and it starts with the hundreds of experiences people have submitted to I-Doser. This is direct-to-you so lets start with that!
Want to read these intense users reviews? It’s simple, I-Doser is a transparent company and they offer the experiences of those users that have chosen to share. Click here to read hundreds of user experiences. Fair warning: these are everything from sexual, recreational and all levels from mellow to intense. But, what exactly does this prove? I-Doser states that 83% of their users have experienced a simulated experience – and let that sink in! Almost EVERYBODY that has tried an I-Doser dose has felt the effect. How does that compare to other binaural companies, where MAYBE 20% of users feel very weak effects? It makes I-Doser simply groundbreaking, and the only company that is truly leading the way in simulated experiences. It seems I-Doser is well aware of this, because they just released an international trailer highlighting this. Firstly, wow! I-Doser is international! They have really made it. Second, this video is amazing!
Convinced? Not only is the production value on this video next-level, and that goes to show that they are investing back into the company that made binaurals great – BUT it shows that really only I-Doser is supplying true hard-hitting simulated experiences. Others are trying, and mostly failing miserably – but I-Doser seems to get what it takes to make a true quality binaural dose that actually work. I’ve personally had some amazing experiences with them myself, but the big question is… have you really taken the time to be astounded by this amazing technology? If not, you absolutely must click here.
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