Parasomnia includes sleep disorders like sleepwalking, sleep paralysis, nightmares, or sleep terror. So, let’s explore the types, symptoms, and causes of parasomnia. For example, is there a treatment for consistently interrupted sleep? Let’s find out.
Category: Consciousness
Consciousness is everything you experience. It is the tune stuck in your head, the sweetness of chocolate mousse, the throbbing pain of a toothache, the fierce love for your child and the bitter knowledge that eventually all feelings will end.
Personal identity is our source of impulse, desire, and want. Ego, ID, and superego are our psychic apparatus consisting of conscious and unconscious components. Today we learn about self-transcendence and the process of personal ego death.
Psilocybin therapy is growing in popularity all over the world. Let us look at these beneficial hallucinogenic fungi outside the basics of these mushrooms being a mind-altering substance. We will also provide a step-by-step beginner’s guide on growing magic mushrooms.
Can we live forever? Today we explore the human lifecycle and common causes of death. Finally, we take a deep dive into the technology and science for extending life. Can we find the true fountain of youth together?
What is The Frequency of God? Let us expose the HARD TRUTH about The God Frequency. How does the science of binaural beats fit into all of this? Finally, learn how to experience this yourself using professional audio induction.
Learn the empathetic definition, empath traits, and examples of empathy. Explore the Heyoka Awakening and trusting your intuition with gut feeling examples. Use technology for the empath like intuition affirmations.
Zazen meditation is the primary practice of the Zen Buddhism tradition. This method of mindfulness stress reduction is highly effective, even for beginners. Let’s learn about the nature of existence and uncover the secrets of Zazen meditation.
We base this personality test on the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator, or MBTI, reflective self-report. Use this test to show how you observe the world and make critical choices. Sensation, feeling, intuition, and thinking are the four major emotional roles. This personality test will reveal your personality type.
One in 2,000 people are synesthetes. As many as one in 300 has some variation of synesthesia. Seeing sound and hearing color are a few synesthesia examples. Explore this sensory condition and find out if you can learn synesthesia.
Sensory deprivation for anxiety is a valid mindful solution for stress and depression. Learn about isolation tanks and flotation therapy solutions. Float tank benefits are many, including improved creativity. Experience deep relaxation and powerful meditative states.
Am I an Empath? Empathy is the capacity to comprehend or sense what another person is experiencing. Learn Empathy vs Sympathy, The Signs of an Empath, and take an Empath Quick. This Empath Survival Guide is for all Empaths.
Our aura is an essential part of who we are. Therefore, it is beneficial to know aura color meanings. Knowing cosmic vibration colors is essential to self-spiritual evaluation. Use this free aura test to check the color of your aura.