Dare to be Scared

When I-Doser came out you started hearing people say binaural dosing was “intense” or “scary” or “powerful” – and you ARE taking deep dives into your mind, so let’s begin our journey…
We are going to look at depth of intensity in dosing. What does this mean? It means tuning your brain with specialized audio over an extended period of time in order to create a simulated experience. And, in recognition of Halloween, we are pointing our finger directly at the one company with the balls to actually show us really crazy intense experiences in a safe and simulated way. They are I-Doser (click to visit them). While there are literally hundreds of doses that do good, help with a problem, calm or put to sleep – we are looking in the other direction and going intense!
Let’s get one thing on the table: When you use a binaural dose, you are listening to rhythmic beats for an extended period of time. These beats fine tune your brain through a series of peaks and valleys that make up a binaural sequence. It’s you in there – alone. THIS is why you often hear people referring to I-Doser brand doses as scary or intense. Do a quick search on Youtube and you will see literally HUNDREDS of people having, what looks to be, scary experiences with binaural doses. Often I-Doser users have never experienced deep zen meditation, chakra alignment, sound therapy – or any of the combined “magic” that goes into a powerful binaural dose by I-Doser. You are plunged, alone, into the depths of your own mind. While “scary” may be too simple a word – I do firmly believe that users have truly profound and riveting experiences while dosing. How can we describe it to those who have never tried (and why haven’t you? It’s free to try)? Let’s get conceptual, with a great video that captures the momentary surges of lonesomeness you can sometimes feel when your mind is forced into a simulated experience.
If you’re still with me, and didn’t run of dismissive or scared, your next question might be: “What experiences does I-Doser help simulate?” Quick answer! Almost anything! I-Doser has hundreds of doses. Take your pick: from sexual enhancement and simulation, sleep, dream and chakra doses, recreational simulations, spiritual, or just plain entertaining doses. But we are on subject of intense fear, the scary stuff, and there are doses designed JUST for that. Consider this small sampling of I-Doser brand powerful simulated experiences and huge dose collection.
Crazy, huh? If you’re willing to install their free software (for PC and Mac, nice to see some Apple Love – plus, it’s really cool – click here to install it) – you will get access to hundreds of simulations. Some fun, some helpful, some hella intense. Dig as deep as you want to dig. It’s a fun personal journey, and for the price of nothing it is totally worth a little time with. If you maybe aren’t so computer savvy, or you prefer the more understandable format of CD or MP3, I-Doser also has you covered there. They have way more doses for their software, but they also have a really great instant-download MP3 library – and, yes, if you are still looking for that intense ride, then they have you covered with MP3 packs.
If you do or do not celebrate Halloween this season, there is still reason enough to look deep into your mind, past what you see in the mirror – just you and some headphones and an I-Doser dose designed to specifically modulate and tune your brainwaves to show you a personal experience you may find deeply riveting. The ticket has been offered, you have been warned (BTW 80% of user feel the effects, in a peer study)!
Oh, and one more thing. I-Doser is currently giving away a FREE RARE DOSE that isn’t even available in their store yet – actually, it’s available nowhere but here. They have given away free doses before, but this is an INTENSE and EXTREME DOSE you will you will to grab this as soon as you can. I expect it won’t be around for long, and then may disappear forever (considering it’s not in their store?) I’m not sure, but either way, act fast!
Start slow, crawl before you walk, walk before you sprint. We will hold your hand, up until the point where we can’t.
Happy Dosing with I-Doser!
Your Journey Continues Here: CLICK
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