Fictional Simulations… Now a Reality

Imagine if you could physically simulate the emotional experience so intricately imagined in a great piece of fiction: be it a book, a movie, or a video game – and actually feel what your imagination creates… has been creating some of the most exciting advances in the discipline of Binaural Brainwaves. While most amateur-based productions are just gearing up (and selling junk), this company really advances the science year after year. It’s really a fun company to watch. While I-Doser has created some very creative simulations in the past, to actually take the time (over 2 years in R+D, *rumored) to craft simulations from some great works of fiction is truly tongue-in-cheek, and powerfully effective.

We are all escapists to some extent. The video game industry is outselling Hollywood (and I-Doser sells some great game enhancers, also – check them here). Literary fiction is on fire with devices like the Kindle and iPad. Movies still take our breath away and now in three dimensions. What I-Doser has done is to not create a mood or tone of a specific piece – not to feel the entire “Word of Warcraft experience”, but specific recreational simulations, doses, drugs, etc. – in some of the headiest works of fiction. It’s a trip x infinity. Lucky they also have given us a multitude of ways to experience it. For the PC and Mac App (A FREE download, by the way), I-Doser has opened a whole new web category in their store. Load up your apps- these are long-effect powerful experiences and the purest form you can get. For shorter, on the go, and enhanced with ambient sound scapes – you can go for either the physical CD if you would like to have a CD delivered to you. Or, you can get the instant download MP3 packs. Both CDs and MPs are available in two packs of 4: Fictional Simulations 1 and Fictional Simulations 2.
I personally prefer to have both. The computer doses are great for long term sessions in a quiet environment. They are pure, meaning just the binaural tones and carrier white noise. The MP3s and CDs are great got on the go: my media player – and those have some really great sounds integrated into the sequence. Of course, I complete the trilogy and have their app for my phone device. You can check that out here (for Android and iPhone).
Any way you roll, check it out. Amazing stuff. Even for someone like me, who maybe isn’t into the gaming scene, or even some of the more obscure movie references and such – I am an advanced user, and these are truly strong experiences. The group over at I-Doser is doing some great work, and blowing me away with how refined their sequences have become. Even if you simply have a passing interest, make sure you check out I-Dosers website at… and… of course, the new Fictional Simulations.

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