Homemade Cheeba Chews: Cook Marijuana Candy

Today you learn how to cook marijuana candy. Using our easy homemade cheeba chews recipe, you can easily make cheeba chews anytime. Warning, however. The effects of THC chews are very potent and can be long-lasting. Ready?
Cook Marijuana Candy
Our homemade cheeba chews require very few ingredients. Firstly, we designed the recipe to be easy and effective as opposed to, say, “gourmet.” Secondly, we cut some of the hard work out by using Tootsie Roll candy, available almost anywhere. However, this recipe does require you have a few grams of concentrate – this is what makes the effects of THC chews so powerful. A few other secret ingredients are needed to make cheeba chews, which we will cover in detail. However, be careful as you cook marijuana candy of any form, as candy making requires hot liquids, patience, and time. We certainly promise it is worth it, just like our other amazing cannabis recipes.
Homemade Cheeba Chews
Before you cook marijuana candy, there are a few notes on ingredients. This homemade cheeba chews recipe requires Tootsie Roll candy. Likewise, you might see this labeled as “midges.” Above all, they are available almost anywhere and will save us a lot of time. To make cheeba chews also require a few grams of concentrate. Most importantly, if you live in a place where marijuana is legal, we recommend talking to a local dispensary. For example, they can help you with strains and effects. It is possible to make concentrate through BHO extractions and other methods, but it can be dangerous. Above all, please be smart about where you source your THC concentrate.
- Source 2 grams of quality concentrate extraction.
- You need 25 Tootsie Rolls “Midges.”
- The recipe also requires one teaspoon of condensed milk.
- One teaspoon of organic coconut oil is available in most big markets or online.
- Available online, two drops of lecithin to prevent separation.
Make Cheeba Chews
Remember, when you cook marijuana candy, you are working with hot temperatures. Moreover, to improve the effects of THC chews, we also decarb the concentrate. Most importantly, the process converts THCA to THC. Likewise, it is not hard to make cheeba chews if you take your time and follow these simple directions. So, take a deep breath and put on some good mind-expanding music. After you make them a few times, Homemade Cheeba Chews became a lot easier to make. Shall we begin?
- Put the concentrate into a glass dish with coconut oil and lecithin.
- Heat on low, never heat over 290 degrees F, until air bubbles cease.
- Put tootsie rolls into a Pyrex bowl and put in the oven at 325 degrees F until they melt.
- Remove the tootsies from the oven and check the temperature occasionally.
- At around 170 degrees, add concentrate mixture.
- Mix for 10 minutes and pour onto parchment paper. Let cool in the fridge.
- Take out of the fridge and wait until it is room temperature.
- Portion chocolate into original tootsie size and wrap in original wrappers.
Effects of THC Chews
Firstly, the effects of these THC chews are very intense. We also love pairing them with some mindfulness music than can enhance the effects even more. Even more, they also dangerously taste and look exactly like tootsie rolls (especially if you use the original wrappers). Homemade cheeba chews are certainly immensely powerful and should be safely stored and locked away. Meanwhile, there is a whole world of amazing recipes out there if you are interested in how to cook marijuana candy. Now that you know how to make cheeba chews, a few words on their effects.
Some effects of THC chews include:
- These powerful cheeba chews may cause cognitive impairment.
- They cause extreme sedation, depending on concentrate strain.
- We recommend you start with just one or two. Work slowly.
- Duration of effects will be much longer than smoking or vaping.
Today you learned how to cook marijuana candy. Using our easy homemade cheeba chews recipe, you can now easily make cheeba chews anytime. Remember, the effects of THC chews are very point and can be long-lasting.
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I have seen these around in a few dispensaries but have never tried them. I like the idea of making them as strong as I want though. Question. Do they get greasy or oily mixing the concentrate in with the chocolate or they the same consistency as tootsies?
I have been using a recipe like this for years. You do not have to use tootsie rolls if you don’t want. Any good chocolate will do. I personally hate tootsie rolls.
So would this work if I made my own BHO and then just decarb a few grams like in the recipe? I also assume if your distillate it is already decarb doesn’t require that step? Or should we just do it in case? Where the experts at?
Thank you for this. My dispensary candy addiction is getting awfully expensive.
Do not skip the lecithin. I thought it was optional and everything didn’t mix well. We ate it and it worked but kinda a mess.