I-Doser Simulations

If there was any doubt in your mind that I-Doser was leading the pack on simulated experiences we point you to something TRULY amazing, but you’ll have to click… So, here is an amazing video that shows off (quite beautifully) the mobile offerings I-Doser has. Although, we should make it clear that they offer solutions for ANY device (Mac, PC, MP3, and of course Android and iOS Tablets and Phones).
I think it does a good job of, on a basic level, describing EXACTLY what binaural brainwave doses are: it’s intended to assist you in simulating any mood or experience. We cover this is great detail all though this blog, so we urge you to poke around. For now, awe at the video that shows I-Doser is really stepping up their game!
TO ALL OUR READERS, today we humbly ask you to help our little blog. For over ten years now, BinauralBlog.com has been producing fantastic mindfulness articles. We do not beg for donations, use any intrusive popups, sell any form of user data, or fill our content with ads. How do we sustain ourselves? We need shares, plain and simple. The time has come for us to make a simple request. Please, if you enjoyed this article and want us to keep producing content - use any (or all) of the CIRCULAR SHARE BUTTONS ABOVE to help support our little blog. Thank you from the Binaural Blog, Founder & Team
I tried a variety of doses and the one most meaningful for me on this particular day was the Hand of God. Throughout the session, I prayed and chanted what I wanted to accomplish. There were various mood altering beats & chants that could have taken me to a point of extreme fear; but instead I focused on my intent and chose to overcome all negative thoughts of fear which tried to invade my mind. It was like a test of faith and strength! When it was over, I felt a overwhelming sense of achievement! I believe that depending on the individual and their wants or needs will determine the experience and outcome. Therefore, my experience was truly incredible and meaningful. Thank you.