Mindfulness Guide to Masturbating

In our mindfulness masturbating guide, we cover the process of mindful self masturbation. Learn a self masturbation meditation that will bring your orgasms to the next level. To masturbate mindfully is a more profound, more powerful, and more intense experience.
Mindful Self Masturbation
First of all, when many of us reach for our favorite masturbation toy (re Fleshlight, vibrator, hand), we probably aren’t thinking too much about what we are doing. For many of us, masturbation is simply to scratch an itch. Furthermore, have you ever really been mindful of masturbation? Are you looking for a more powerful, erotic, and orgasmic experience? Are you aware of your potent sexual power? Want to harness your orgasmic energy? Finally, ready to experience some of the most intense self-orgasm you have ever experienced? Above all, we are asking you to explore mindful self masturbation. Most noteworthy, by harnessing sexuality, masturbation, and mindfulness, you will be able to use that sexual energy in other aspects of your life as well. Your erotic power is truly an untapped potential.
Self Masturbation Meditation
Our mindfulness masturbating guide certainly assumes you are mindful during sex with a partner. Because most of us are. For example, it might be a deep understanding of a long-known partner. Likewise, maybe it is the excitement of a new experience. To masturbate mindfully, you certainly need to tap into that same sexual energy you feel when you are with someone. Even more, a self masturbation meditation before masturbating is beneficial. Most noteworthy, The benefits you achieve when you masturbate mindfully is unlimited. In contrast, we are not saying to have some mindless sexual fun when playing. Above all, on occasion, take a mindful minute before and after masturbation to truly deepen the experience. Even more, being cognizant during self masturbation is easy to do. It doesn’t take long, just minutes, and it can increase your pleasure infinitely.
Mindfulness Masturbating Guide
First of all, let’s get this out there: To masturbate mindfully, you don’t need to do anything complicated. Therefore, you can start with something as simple as a self masturbation meditation. Certainly, the first step in the mindfulness masturbating guide is to breathe. Above all, don’t just rush to the end. Likewise, take time to discover. Find a special place where you can set aside some time on occasion to just explore yourself. Furthermore, mindful self masturbation can just be a few short minutes of thought before you start being physical. Maybe ask yourself questions: How do you feel today? What form of pleasure would make your day even better? Finally, remember that you are a vibrant sexual being. Hence, exploration is ideal and essential. Even more, it is also personal. While there are many incredible resources, you need to find what works for you. Being mindful will take time and practice, but it will bring your self-pleasure and sexual understanding to peak performance.
Masturbate Mindfully
Is mindful self masturbation really as easy as taking some deep mindful minutes before you are physical? Even more, can a simple self masturbation meditation make it “that” much better? The truth is, no. It won’t. Not right away. Even more, you don’t become sexually attune in days or even weeks. Some have turned to technology to masturbate mindfully. Did you know that with powerful brain-tuning binaural beats, it is possible to achieve a hands-free orgasm? iDoser is the leading producer of sexual-based mindful technology used to bring your masturbation (and other sexual experiences) to peak pleasure.
First of all, in this simple mindfulness masturbating guide, we covered the basics of mindful self masturbation. Even more, you use a simple self masturbation meditation as a starting point. Finally, you continue by enhancing your experience with expert sensual induction technology. Above all, to masturbate mindfully means a compelling physical and mental experience.
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I always follow my “alone time” with a quick mindfulness meditation. Sometimes I even start with one. It doesn’t like long. Just a little reflection.
No thank you. I prefer to just go at it
How about as a replacement? I was thinking an orgasm in your mind instead of your body. Anybody out there able to experience this?
🤦🏻♂️😂 that’s funny. If you try to mindfuck me better a condom it’s a dirty place. 😉😅😂🤣
Make it a celebration of your body. Why not be mindful of what makes you feel good. Love in your mind goes right to the body.
So is this something like tantric sex? Can someone explain?
Sort of in a way… The way I understand the above explanation is similar to 'sex magick' whereby the thoughts you have in your mind that you have placed your interest and desire in, and the way you concentrate on them, together with the act of masturbation or other sex act, you are literally and figuratively placing your will and intent as well as your energies into the object of your desire and building up all of those things until the moment of orgasm where you release everything at one time thereby theoretically and practically manipulating and influencing other energies and forces to gain or achieve your goal. A lot of people think that that is a load of bs, but as a person who studies many things and practices them too, I can tell you that it can and often does have profound effect on your works. Just remember. I am, I will, I create.
Respect from 🇿🇦