Today we give you something truly intense: Real users and experts discussing I-Doser Simulated Experiences. You know you want more – Just keep reading.
The 2013 mobile app updates are here, and they are insane! HD and Retina, for mobile/tablet and a few mind-bending features like.
Leave it to to craft some of the most intense MP3 and CD Packs of Digital Doses to simulate some truly crazy experiences like.
With years in development (the Leader in Simulated Experiences) has dropped some of the world’s more powerful doses on us.
Some of you may be confused on how to create a simulated mood or experience through digital dosing. Now there is a free eBook that reveals all the secrets.
It has been a long debate as to how effective digital drugs really are – the results are in, and digital doses are MUCH MORE effective than we ever imagined.
While creating a simulated mood or experience though the use of binaural beats is nothing new, things just got EXTREME with some powerful new releases that are sure to turn some heads.
Imagine if you could physically simulate the emotional experience so intricately imagined in a great piece of fiction: be it a book, a movie, or a video game – and actually feel what your imagination creates.
This post is dedicated to the skeptics, the disbelievers, those who half-assed tried and got no results – Binaural Brainwave Simulations are now a mainstream reality with, If you’ve tried, you probably did it wrong. If you haven’t, you should.
We are a world on the move. Until now there has been a very limited and amateur selection of on-the-go binaural dosing apps. Today, I-Doser Premium has been released for both Google Android (tablet and phones), and Apple iOS (iPhone and iPad). The app is simply put: powerful and amazing.
When I-Doser v4 was released in 2007 it revolutionized the way people experienced alternate realities. Now, after 5 years of development, they have released V5 for computers. A completely revamped and free application, I-Doser can help you achieve a simulated mood or experience through the use of advanced audio sequences. Read more.
I can only speak to use in the United States, but prescription drug use is a rampant problem. While companies like I-Doser have been releasing Recreational Drug sequences for years, there is a new breakthrough in binaural simulations: mimicking the effects of prescription drugs. How well do they work? Read on.