• What Does it Mean to DOSE YOUR BRAIN?
Meditation and the Blockchain

Meditation and the Blockchain

Let’s explore meditation and the blockchain. To explain blockchain meditation, we discuss mindfulness on the blockchain and informative blockchain hacking. Finally, we discuss technology options like using the mind audio platform for self-improvement. Learn how to combine technology, meditation, and the blockchain today!

The Art of Biohacking

The Art of Biohacking

The biohacking definition is varied – a broad term that can include anything from biohacking implants like the “chip in arm,” biohacking apps, or just general lifestyle hacks. Let’s discuss biohacking ethics and the past, present, and future of biohacking. You will learn everything there is to know about the integration of biology and technology.

Exhaustive Guide to Probiotics

Exhaustive Guide to Probiotics

Welcome to our Exhaustive Guide to Probiotics. Probiotics are healthy, live, beneficial bacteria found in probiotic supplements or rich probiotic foods. Positive probiotics side effects include improving gut health, weight loss, improved digestion, enhanced immunity, and many other probiotics benefits. Are probiotics the right choice for your mindful lifestyle?

MBTI Test to Find Personality Type

MBTI Test to Find Personality Type

We base this personality test on the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator, or MBTI, reflective self-report. Use this test to show how you observe the world and make critical choices. Sensation, feeling, intuition, and thinking are the four major emotional roles. This personality test will reveal your personality type.

How To Improve Intuition

How To Improve Intuition

There is nothing magic about intuition. Intuition is information that our consciousness evaluates without deliberation. Even more, intuitive thinking is a direct, powerful, and achievable method of reasoning. Will you acquire inner insight and develop consciousness reasoning? Today you learn how to improve intuition for upgraded judgment and better insight into your daily life.

Brain Entrainment Music

Brain Entrainment Music

Professional brain entrainment music is used all over the world to aid sleep, simulate experiences, trigger lucidity, calm stress, and much more. Even more, there are countless binaural beat benefits. Brainwave synchronization is powerfully beneficial and easy to use. Even more, brain hackers are using these stimulating tones in frequency mind altering sessions.

Easy Bhang Cannabis Tea Recipe

Easy Bhang Cannabis Tea Recipe

Bhang cannabis tea has traditions as far back as 2000 B.C. There are numerous bhang medicinal uses, including spiritual and therapeutic. Let’s discuss bhang tea ingredients and a basic bang tea recipe. Finally, we warn of THC drink side effects. Ready to make easy, powerful, spiritual bhang tea at home?