Tantric sensual immersion is not about the orgasm. The binaural sex frequency has enhanced the sexual experience. Sexuality and popular music push the boundaries of sex and art. So, how do you awaken the Tantric Lover?
If you have trouble going to sleep or remaining asleep, then you need a sleep system for insomniacs. There are many insomnia solutions, both medical and natural. What causes insomnia, and what are some natural sleep aids?
Our aura is an essential part of who we are. Therefore, it is beneficial to know aura color meanings. Knowing cosmic vibration colors is essential to self-spiritual evaluation. Use this free aura test to check the color of your aura.
Silver Play Button Tutorial is a look at the YouTube Creator Rewards. How do popular YouTube channels reach 100,000 subscribers? What is the secret to getting a Play Button Award? It’s not as easy as you might think.
Introspection and meditation are an influential combination. Black hole mind mapping is the ultimate self-reflection tool. There is no end to the outward changes you will see when you start clearing your mind of negativity.
Let’s design a framework for extended intelligence. We will begin with the science of cognitive skills. Then we use the critical task of Artificial Intelligence to effectively replace human response. This is our framework for extended intelligence…
This is a message for the mindful. We live in a chaotic world full of stress, fear, and anxiety. It’s time for a meditation about change. Mindfulness about life starts with your choice to make personal change. Today we celebrate life, love, and progress. This is a message for the mindful.
Learn about shamanic healing. In shamanic practice we learn to access universal truth. This is the story of the shamanic journey soundtrack. What is shamanic music? Is there any shamanic healing after effects? Let’s explore
We took a look at 6 natural acne remedies! If you’re trying to rid yourself of this annoying and unsightly skin condition, there are several natural remedies you can use to cure acne fast. For acne treatment at home, try these proven strategies.
How to breathe better! Your irregular breathing patterns might be inhibiting your body’s natural functions in many ways. There is a right way to breathe. This how to breathe better tutorial includes an advanced breathing exercise for stress, anxiety, and mood.
This marijuana tolerance break guide will cover the benefits of a tolerance break. Do you have a high tolerance to marijuana? A tolerance break helps you get back those long-lasting and potent effects. A tolerance break timeline is efficient, with recovery in weeks. Here’s how….
Monks and Yogis can induce brainwave states for transcendence and cognitive enhancement. I will teach you how to use binaural beats. Furthermore, I’ll show you how to download binaural beats free. This is how binaural beats changed my life, and how they can change yours.