Ten Chill Stoner Albums

We curate our ten chill stoner albums with one primary criterion. They contain the best music when high on psychoactive drugs. These are THE songs after marijuana. Psychotropics aren’t your thing? These are still some trippy songs to listen to while high.
Ten Chill Stoner Albums
First of all, in our vetting to find the best chill stoner albums, let’s say we did our research. Above all, the best music when high is highly subjective. Even more, our list is only a selection of 10 chill stoner albums, not 50, not 100. We had two paths to choose from when compiling. We could post (as has been done a million times before in other videos and blogs,) the absolute classics. Or, we could venture into the slightly more obscure. We found some balance in our list. We all have our playlist of tried-and-true songs after marijuana use. Did we miss a favorite? Enter it in the comments, and let’s share. With social sharing platforms, the breadth of trippy songs to listen to is virtually unlimited. Let us know what you like in the comments!
The Stoner’s Journey: Pink Floyd, Piper at the Gates of Dawn
Let’s start with one of the classic chill stoner albums. Many certainly consider Pink Floyd’s Piper at the Gates of Dawn to be one of the essential UK psychedelic albums. Hence, there is a reason why this collection appears on many psychedelic top lists. The album represents the Stoner’s Journey. Lay back and brace yourself for a complete assault on your senses. This album not afraid to travel to disconcerting places. Sometimes distressing, sometimes quirky, sometimes riff-heavy, mind-melting soundscapes. While maybe not as accessible as some other classics like Dark Side. Most noteworthy, the best music when high should challenge you, and this does that in spades. For some genuinely trippy songs to listen to (cosmic songs for after marijuana or not), give Pink Floyd Piper at the Gates of Dawn a spin.
The Brain Changer: iDoser, Virtual DMT Trip
Somewhat outside the realm of chill stoner albums and into the field of mindfulness, induction audio, binaural beats, and ASMR. iDoser crafts artisan audio that they scientifically design, optimize and produce to be the best music when high. Even more, these are compelling binaural sessions. Want some trippy songs to listen to while high? These use advanced production techniques. iDoser sessions tune your brainwaves to simulate a specific experience. Some call iDoser a digital drug. Furthermore, you can achieve effects without the use of drugs (that is a big selling point). However, many like to combine iDoser with substances like marijuana for truly profound sonic journeys. Even more, if you want to try an experience based on science, try iDoser songs after marijuana or other substances. Or listen to the sessions without even being high.
The Ghost in the Shell: Radiohead, OK Computer
It didn’t take us long to throw the “chill” out of our chill stoner albums list. Therefore, are you high-technology? In contrast, anti-technology? Do androids dream of electric sheep? I stand by this – some of the best music when high is certainly the haunting vocals of Thom Yorke. Similarly, grab any Radiohead album or solo album from the lead vocalist, and you have yourself an… experience. Therefore, for our playlist of songs after marijuana, we are going with OK Computer. Trippy songs to listen to, check. But OK Computer is whatever you want it to be. Expert guitar, music with a message, powerful lyrics. Often considered one of the best albums of all time, it deserves your ears. The Radiohead rabbit hole is real, my friend. I’ve been deep in it for decades.
The Inner Mind Anime: Flaming Lips, Yoshimi Battles…
First of all, does this sound like it should be on a list of chill stoner albums? Most noteworthy, Yoshimi is like an imaginary anime musical mashing about in your skull. I think it is about androids and karate, or something. Visualize an army of disobedient robots taking over the planet, and you’re off to a good start. For songs after marijuana, it all certainly starts vibrant. In contrast, somewhere along the journey, it melts into reflections on humanity, death, and transience. Contemplative songs about mortality and death might not sound like the best music when high. But, my God, trust me. For songs after marijuana, music on LSD, a high concept album experience, or just trippy songs to listen to while high… Yoshimi is for you. Ludicrously radiant. “Do you realize?”
The Beautiful Balance: Love, Forever Changes
Above all, we consider this to be one of the classic chill stoner albums. Hence, if you like your auditory experience (your best music when high) to be balanced in beautiful harmony – Forever Changes is for you. Even more, we love these songs after marijuana. Maybe not the trippiest of the trippy songs to listen to, Forever Changes finds that perfect balance. It’s blissful, inspiring, and saccharine in areas while also being alarming, reclusive and suspicious. For a realistic, unfiltered sound of late-60s LA., Forever Changes masterfully draws from rock, psychedelia, folk, pop, classical, and more. Want some grounding? Forever Changes is certainly a must listen, high or not. If you dig 1960s California sound with a right mix of heavier elements, certainly spin away. After you do, check the history of this true classic for a good read and some background.
The Great Experiment: Grateful Dead, Anthem of The Sun
Most noteworthy, no chill stoner albums list is up to snuff without some Dead. First of all, Jerry Garcia and mates were consistently high. Maybe the best music when high comes from those also high? For songs after marijuana, I certainly love live music. Even more, as far as trippy songs to listen to (and we’ve heard many), nothing beats the Grateful Dead. Anthem of The Sun is a soundscape that reflects the experience of a Dead concert. In contrast, I wouldn’t say this album contains “songs” in the same sense that mortals like you and I understand. You’ll hear studio and live parts mixed within into lengthy suites of music. Even more, tracks melt into another, and the entire things are powerfully unique. As God Jerry said, “We weren’t making a record in the normal sense; we were making a collage.”
The Mystical Mantra: Moody Blues, … The Lost Chord
One of your mystical manta of chill stoner albums is In Search of The Lost Chord. Above all, if your idea of the best music when high is songs focused on discovery and journey… we have something for you. Even more, if you like your songs after marijuana to exude pure talent, get this: The members of The Moody Blues played over 30 instruments on this album. Hence, if you enjoy your trippy songs to listen to with elements of pop, psychedelia, and spoken-word poetry, then In Search of The Lost Chord is the perfect journey of sound. Sometimes profound, layered, relaxing. Sometimes not. This album also has some Floyd influences. So, it works well with our Pink Floyd selection. In Search of The Lost Chord is certainly a dreamlike experience that perfectly complements marijuana.
The Work in Progress: The Beach Boys, The SMiLE Sessions
They say art is never truly finished. Brian Wilson famously abandoned this album in 1967. First of all, The SMiLE Sessions is the warm embrace of chill stoner albums. Above all, leave the history behind (for now) and pick a version (available in sprawling multi-disc sessions and vinyl) that works for you. Discover some of the best music when high – the music of a work in progress. Even more, throw on the Pet Sounds album too. Consequently, you may not immediately go to The Beach Boys for songs after marijuana. Trust us. Wilson was determined to do something experimental here. Trippy songs to listen to, experimental sounds, and an artist trying to discover something completely new. Hence, The SMiLE Sessions is amazing in (not only the music) but what it represents: An artist’s creative process and the pains they sometimes go through for art.
The Spoken Word: Timothy Leary, Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out
Timothy Leary was a psychologist and writer known for his support of hallucinogenic drugs. Most noteworthy, he promoted the use of psychedelic drugs and became a well-known figure of the 60s. Hence, this one is not one of the essential chill stoner albums. Above all, this album isn’t music, so not the best music when high, either. Even more, you won’t find this album on any “songs after marijuana” playlist. This composition doesn’t have ANY trippy songs to listen to while high. The collection is not a soundtrack, musical composition, or even experimental audio session. Timothy Leary, Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out it’s a chance to hear Timothy Leary discuss his thoughts on LSD, faith and his viewpoint on life. Therefore, you might find some “Woah man” moments in his words or find it a fascinating listen.
The Sonic Journey: iDoser, Sonic Rain
We couldn’t complete our list of chill stoner albums without including a nature track. First of all, you have probably used some of these for sleep or meditation. These are those nature tracks of thunderstorms, babbling brooks, waves at the beach. EXCEPT, iDoser does something more with it. Yes, we are aware that we have already mentioned the iDoser amazing binaural ASMR and other induction tracks they create. Certainly, some of the best music when high comes from nature. Furthermore, ever listen to an entirely produced binaural rain storm recorded live in the Congo? As for songs after marijuana, this is exceptionally soothing. In contrast, maybe not the trippiest of the trippy songs to listen to, but Sonic Rain is a master-class in nature recording. Even more, the track is 8 hours so you can listen all night.
The Ultimate Control: Binaural Brain App
We know that we missed some essential chill stoner albums. Above all, the best music when high are the ones we have a personal connection too. Even more, marijuana has some profound effects on our brains. So, songs after marijuana use are essential for some of us. Hence, whether you like spoken word, experimental, pop, rock, fusion or only some trippy songs to listen to while high… there is another way. First of all, everything we presented here is a collection of songs to be played in session: an album. What if I told you that you could design your OWN experience? Most noteworthy, binaural apps let your design your own auditory experience using sounds for altered states of mind. Apps like iDoser Premium puts the creation of a sonic journey in your hands. Next level stuff!
First of all, we realize this is a minimal selection of albums that go well with marijuana (or other altered states). Hence, we would love to hear your choices! Certainly, be sure to use the comment section below to let us know your favorite! No matter if you are listening to a psychedelic classic, a spoken word session, or advanced induction like iDoser. Music is essential. Music is life. Ready to take your sonic journey to the next level with technology?
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Great selections. Other than one or two of the idozing albums I have listened to every one.
What are the kids listening to these days? Chime in. This old gramps is a Floyd and Doors man.
Bookmarked and thank you for the spotify apple shopping links. I have already added several to my wishlist.
Modest Mouse, Prince, Radiohead, Marley, Phish, Dead, I can go on and on. You need a top 1000 list lol.
I need some new music to chill too. Any recommends?
I will always love me some early Floyd & lately I’m really into flashback to 80s alternative like Echo & Bunnymen and I love the new Gorillaz to chill at the beach smoking a nice j smiles to share 😎🤩🥳
The Journey – StellarDrone Schumann Mix.